NDT testing is critical for Aerospace. NDT stands for Non-Destructive testing, and they are a set of testing methods which finds the properties of a material, components, or structure for defects and critical failures of a material without damaging the component. Although visual inspections are done to verify the integrity of components, non-destructive testing can catch surface and sub-surface deformities and issues that can be missed by visual inspection alone. Aerospace engineered components are susceptible to thermal and pressure cycle fatigue, vibrations, a wide range of operating conditions, corrosion, and manufacturing defects. With all these different types of pressures and conditions, the benefits of NDT testing for aerospace are numerous. Preventing future safety issues and critical failures to potential loss of revenue, and possibly avoid the need for expensive repairs are just a few ways NDT testing is critical for Aerospace.
Why Choose NDT Instead of Destructive testing?
It is true that in many cases, the simplest way to test material is through destruction. Yet this is usually not a cost-effective way of material testing. Destructive methods are better suited for large volume and low-cost parts. NDT testing is well suited for low volume, high-cost materials, and parts.
Common Types of NDT Testing for Aerospace
Liquid Penetrant Testing
Liquid Penetrant Testing is considered a cost-effective way of NDT testing for the aerospace industry. Fluorescent penetrant inspection is a form of liquid penetrant inspection and is a common version of NDT testing used by the aerospace manufacturing industry. The material being tested is coated with a dye that shows up under ultraviolet light. The surface coating is then washed off so that any excess dye on the surface of the part is removed. After the excess penetrant is rinsed away and viewed under ultraviolet light, the visible dye will indicate defects in the material.
Magnetic Particle Inspection
Magnetic particle inspection induces a magnetic field created with either AC or DC current into ferromagnetic materials. For example, DC-generated fields penetrate the material cross-section, making it a better use for gaps within the material while AC fields are better at detecting material gaps at the surface. De-aromatized kerosene is usually used as the carrier fluid for approved wet magnetic particles in the aerospace industry. A Gauss meter is used to determine magnetic field strength, which must be between 30-60 gauss for aerospace material applications.
Ultrasonic Testing
Ultrasonic testing is one of the most common sub-surface NTD testing techniques. Ultrasonic testing uses pulses of high-frequency sound energy to detect surface and subsurface cracks and other defects. These pulses come from a transducer or probe, which is manually moved over the surface of the component under inspection. Soundwaves are emitted at different intervals and angles depending on the technique being used. There are several different ultrasonic testing techniques including straight beam inspection, immersion testing and phased array inspections. When a defect is detected, the soundwave is bounced back, like an echo. It is commonly used to detect defects in welds, fittings, joints, bolts, and adhesive bond quality.
The Need for a Stable NDT Testing Equipment Supplier
Aerospace engineering and manufacturing is a rapidly advancing sector of manufacturing and commerce. Because of this, manufacturers need stable vendors of NDT testing supplies and equipment to keep their timetables in check and costs down. The current climate of 2020 has driven home the need for stable suppliers for the aerospace industry. Metallurgical Supply Company has been in business for over 30 years supplying the aerospace industry and is not going anywhere anytime soon. We serve not only the aerospace industry but other industries such as oil and gas, automotive, heavy manufacturing, universities, and quality testing labs. If there is something specific that is needed and not found on our site, contact us and we will do custom sourcing for you and return your quote request within 24 hours! Call 713-827-0700 or email sales@metsuco.com for inquires into our NDT testing or other metallurgical products!